- Community Services – Volunteer or Request Assistance at MainersTogether In this time of crisis, the Maine People’s Alliance has decided to dedicate organizing resources to supporting community-based efforts to respond to the community distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and protect our most vulnerable friends and neighbors.
- Ring of Caring
- Are you stuck at home feeling anxious, need shopping done, or just need a listening ear to cheer you up? Belfast is partnering with Ring of Caring to offer the Friendly Calling Program, Shopping, and medication pick-up. Call Jodie Stout at City of Belfast, 207-338-3370, ext 120, or email generalassistance@cityofbelfast.org.
- Grocery Shopping by the Belfast Co-op‘s Shop for ME program is running 10 am-4 pm Mon-Sat for pick up in the store or curbside. Certain rules apply!
- Statewide Rent Relief Program for People in Waldo County Affected by COVID-19 administered by Waldo CAP will allow eligible renters to apply for a one-time $500 payment to their landlords to avoid eviction for the month of that payment, at this point April or May. The program is structured to get money to people who need it as quickly as possible through a streamlined application process.
- Applicants apply online at mainehousing.org/covidrent, or they can call Waldo Community Action Partners Brian Friel at 207-930-7361 if they don’t have access to the internet or have questions about the program.
- LCI Fiber Optic Network’s Special programs to assist our community during the COVID-19 outbreak period:
- Helping with Economic Hardship:
- As a service provider invested in our communities, we are committed to helping our customers get through these uncertain times. Our company will temporarily suspend all disconnections for non-payment during this crisis. However, the customer will still be responsible for any balance due.
- Internet Access Assistance Program for Families with Students at Home:
- During the COVID-19 crisis period, we have established a limited-time Internet Access Assistance Program for our customers and residents with students at home (K-12 and college) who live in our telephone company areas and our current O.P.E.N. Fiber Optic broadband customers.
- SAFE “No Contact” Installation Option – available for O.P.E.N.™ Fiber Optic Internet
- To meet increased demand, where available, we have developed Special SAFE Installation Procedures that will allow us to safely install fiber optic internet at homes where our service is available. No entry into your home, or physical contact, is necessary for this Safe Installation Option.
- Go to www.LCIFiber.net for more info, or call 207-563-9911 (M-F 8 AM – 4 PM) to contact a Customer Services Rep.
- Helping with Economic Hardship:
- Pay It Forward Maine – In just a few weeks since launching, Pay It Forward Maine has grown to include 75+ community partners, been featured on multiple media outlets and websites (including Governor Mills’ “Maine Helps” Resource Page). This is an ever-growing library of ideas, tools, resources, and community services for Mainers to come together during this pandemic, to lift each other, to pay it forward for Maine. https://www.portlandregion.com/payitforwardmaine.html
- The City of Belfast has issued some lists of resources for citizens seeking to access community services.
- Individuals and organizations in Waldo County formed Waldo County Bounty to meet immediate, essential food security needs by flowing vital, financial, and material resources to multiple parts of the local food system, including hunger relief programs, farmers, and gardeners. Those interested in supporting the campaign are invited to send a check to Waldo County Bounty c/o Unity Barn Raisers, PO Box 381, Unity, Maine 04988, or online www.waldocountybounty.org. Volunteer opportunities are also provided through the same website. For more information, please contact Sara Trunzo at waldocountybounty@gmail.com.
- Updates from Waldo County General Hospital and MaineHealth Visitation Policies.