In This Issue: Opening Night for ‘Big Fish’ at Belfast Maskers, Book Signing with Susan Tobey White at Penobscot Marine Museum, Summer Movie Series with Our Town Belfast, Fourth Friday Art Walk ~ Belfast, Maine, Summer Wine & Sign Series at Anodyne book shop, Holy Mackerel Tournament Resurrected in Belfast Maine, DownEast Auctions July Event, Live Music with Tiger Bomb at Three Tides & Marshall Wharf Brewing Company, Armenian Picnic at Searsport Shores Ocean Campground, Belfast Summer Street Party, and upcoming is Belfast Flying Shoes‘ First Friday event, 2nd Annual Southern Fried Gospel Dinner at Searsport First Congregational Church, Monarch Butterfly Nature Walk with Friends of Sears Island, Wings & Wheels Air Show at Owls Head Transportation Museum, and so much more!
This week’s cover photo comes to you from Penobscot Shores Retirement Community. News from the Bay & Beyond!
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