Farewell Message from the Director

With a mixture of happiness to have had the experience, and sadness to have it ending, I am announcing my departure from the Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce at the end of July.

Over nearly four years as Executive Director, we have built a great team of staff to run the Chamber, a strong Board to oversee and direct, and an effective set of processes to promote our Members and the region.

I tried numerous ideas that went nowhere as well, such as a shared e-commerce site, a local Small Business Conference (scuttled by COVID!) and a local online restaurant delivery service. But, it was all driven by my desire to support our local businesses!

My wife and I are retiring and going on a gigantic adventure. I will cherish and probably talk all-too-much about what the Chamber has done over the last few years (especially 2020!). But such a great experience should not be forgotten.

All my best to all our local Members – businesses, artists, farmers and non-profits – and to everyone at the Chamber. You are part of a wonderful region that has unlimited potential to prosper while staying true to what makes it special.

Steve Ryan